
Album Info, Song Previews Posted

If you've seen our home page, you may have noticed that song previews for the whole album have been posted on our Music page, and a date for the release has been added.

Jeff has finished all the editing and mixing for the CD, and the CD is now going through the mastering process. In a few weeks (probably by mid-August), we'll have CDs able to be sold, and the music will also be on iTunes. We'll post more information about how to get the CD closer to the release date. Check back often!


Finishing Touches

We're almost there! The songs are finished being mixed, and they will be 'mastered' over the next two weeks. Then, it's off to Disc Makers, where the mastered CD will be duplicated (many times!).

Jeff will be at Steubenville Mid-America during the next two weekends, and, while there, he'll be working on making an awesome-looking album cover and case design. There will also be more song previews posted as soon as he gets a few minutes of free time - keep checking back here!