
Thank You for Your Support!

We'd like to thank anyone who's purchased a CD so far! We've received a lot of positive feedback through other people's blogs, and we're working on having more than one way for you to purchase the music (i.e. iTunes, retail, etc.).

So far, the album's been mentioned in the following places (we'll add your blog/pocast/website here if you mention our CD):

Amy Welborn - Open Book
Fox 2 KTVI - Morning Show
The Dawn Patrol
Matthew 12:37
Shrine of the Holy Whapping
The Reap Team
Funk and Faith Podcast
St. Louis Office of Vocations
Catholic Online PRWire
Ecce Homo
The Ironic Catholic
Today's Young Catholics (Podcast)
Sarx: GenX
Maior Autem His Est Caritas
Lux Aeternitatis [German blog]
Grapevine News Minute
Coo-ees from the Cloister
Rome of the West
Random Thoughts of a Midwest Girl
St. Blog's Parish Spotlight [Featured 9/23]
D.Mike's LiveJournal


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